Located in the Children's Wing
9:00 am
4 year olds-2nd grade Led by Melinda Flanagan
3rd-5th- Led by Liz Roark
Sunday School
Located in the Children's Wing
9:00 am
4 year olds-2nd grade Led by Melinda Flanagan
3rd-5th- Led by Liz Roark
Children's Church
During our 10:00 am service
Led by rotating teachers
Curriculum: Seedbed Trackers of Faith
Children are precious at Woodcrest Methodist Church! We strive to make a fun and stimulating environment conducive of learning and growing.
Our nursery is equipped to meet the needs of all children newborn to three years old. We provide snacks including animal crackers, goldfish, cheerios and various other snacks. Our nursery is staffed by paid, experienced and well-trained caregivers who are certified in Ministry Safe training and are certified by the American Red Cross in CPR and First Aid.
We offer a safe and loving Christian atmosphere. Each of our nursery rooms is filled with age-appropriate toys, games and books. Our infant room has comfy cribs, swings and rocking chairs plus lots of loving arms to give your baby the finest care anywhere. The toddler room has age-appropriate toys to help with the development of a young toddler with access to changing tables as well as a bathroom for potty training.
Upon arrival: Please sign in at the nursery reception desk. Also, note any special needs or allergies your child may have.
What to bring: Disposable diapers (two or more), baby wipes, pacifier (when applicable), bottles or cups, diaper bag labeled with child’s name.
Upon leaving: Children will be released only to parents or grandparents. When picking up your child, please sign out your child.
Maintaining a Healthy Environment: Our nursery takes the battle against communicable disease very seriously! Please be aware of signs of illness before coming to the nursery and please do not send children with symptoms of illness to the nursery. These symptoms include fever, green nasal discharge and diarrhea. Children must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to the nursery.
Each employee at the nursery has been trained in sanitation techniques. Employees wash hands regularly. Changing tables are completely sanitized after each use. The nursery rooms, equipment and toys are sanitized at the end of each day.
A healthy, sanitary environment is an important aspect of our goal in providing safe and loving childcare.
We look forward to seeing you!
Nursery Director: Katrina Sciandra
Wednesday Night Studies
Wednesday Night Studies meet in the Children's Wing in the Sanctuary Building from 6:00pm - 7:15pm. Our curriculum is Think Orange, 252 Kids. Our curriculum combines child development and theology to create a comprehensive children's ministry curriculum. We thrive to have our children grow up to make wiser choices, build stronger relationships and develop a deeper faith.
Ages Pre-K through Kindergarten
Led by Carley Colton
Ages 1st-2nd grade
Led by: Lana Cassaday
Ignite Youth
What is Ignite? Ignite is our junior high and high school youth who are seeking to ignite a passion for Christ in their lives and the lives of others.
Sunday and Wednesday nights - Ignite youth at church -
6:00-8:00pm - Food, fellowship, games, worship and the Word.
Contact Megan Findley for more information.